
New Student Registration Formx

* Compulsory fields

Title: Ms   Mr   Miss   Mrs   Dr  
First name: *
Surname: *
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): *
Gender: Female   Male  
Unique Student Identifier(USI): *
(To obtain your USI click here)
Email: *
Confirm Email: *
Password (Max length 15):
Building Name: *
Flat Details: *
Street Number: *
Address: *
Town/Suburb: *
State: *
Postcode: *
Preferred phone: *
Emergency Contact phone:  
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes   No  
If yes, please specify your disability
(Hold ctrl or mac key to select/deselect multiple)
Your first language: *
Country of birth: *
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? *
Your current working status is *
What is your highest completed school level? *
Are you still at secondary school? * Yes   No  
If you have completed school, in what year was that?
Have you completed a TAFE or university course? * Yes   No  
If yes, at what level?
(Hold ctrl or mac key to select/deselect multiple)
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